Monday, October 22, 2007

Will the Little Old Lady Dance?

I read a review recently that likened Camden Maine to a nicely kept little old lady. Which strangely enough, I agree with. There is a kind of respect for such a person. The title of this blog entry is in reference to Camden Maine and the conversation that I had with a guest today at breakfast. We were discussing the changing face of Camden, which is a common topic around here, and where the future of Camden is. Among many things that were discussed over coffee, one was the upcoming event being sponsored by the Camden Harbour Inn - Weekend with Edie. I think it is fantastic. Weekend with Edie is a dinner and show that features a drag queen (Edie). This is not a typical show to be seen in Camden Maine. It will be interesting to see if the community supports the show (dances) or blushes and turns a polite cheek. The Camden Windward House is doing a special around this weekend, because a dancing old lady is fun and funny.
Spend the evening at the Camden Windward House and we will provide you with discounted tickets to the dinner and show. Saturday November 17th 2007.

1 comment:

Travveller said...

That sounds like fun!

I'm curious - as a local, would you recommend the Camden area as a good place to raise a family? I'm an artist living in Boulder, CO, (raised in NH) and am considering returning to New England after 19 years away to raise my daughter. If I can talk my husband into it. Is the Camden/Rockport/Belfast area family-friendly?